October 2023
#Bombay (1995) - Mumbai (1996)
When MTV came to town

By: Kamal Sidhu

One of the originals of the 90s pop-culture wave, Kamal has worn multiple hats as an anchor, VJ and actress. Kamal talks about her MTV days and the overarching impact the socio-cultural activities of the times had on the city.

Beaming out of Hong Kong, we had no indication what impact MTV Asia was actually having on the ground, in communities around Asia, let alone in India, until we arrived for MTV’s Bombay Blast Weekend; named much prior to the attacks, it was an unfortunate coincidence and came with many travel warnings.

But the show must go on, and so it did.

It was then in ’93 that I realised we were part of a shift far greater than the addition of more channels to the local television guide. This was a shift of paradigm proportions; culturally, socially and economically with ripples affecting the far reaches of the globe. This was a time of change. A place of awakening. For better or for worse, this was Asia’s liberation. And what a time it was.